ZeroHour On Track, and We're Going To Capitol Hill!
We're so excited, we can hardly wait for ZeroHour to arrive! We continue to be on track for a mid-May launch. ZeroHour is shipping to us from our manufacturer internationally, so there is always a chance we may be a few days off, but overall, we are looking good!
All flashlights have been manufactured, tested, and assembled, and all accessories have been manufactured, tested, and packaged!
We finished our ZeroHour User Guide!
The final piece of the puzzle is our packaging. We just approved our final design, and manufacturing will begin immediately. Once completed, ZeroHour will go into the packaging and then be air transported directly to our warehouse!
The day the pallets arrive, we will be working around the clock to ship our pre-orders, so thank you for hanging in there with us!
If you missed out on the various accessories offerings we've had these past few months, it's not too late! Check out our lubrication, filter lenses, colored bezels, and more! If you order additional accessories before May 5th we will combine them with your flashlight and send in one shipment, with no extra shipping charges!
ZeroHour has been selected by the Consumer Electronics Association to participate in their annual CES on the Hill event! This is a very prestigious opportunity for companies to share their innovations with members of Congress, and we are honored to be one of the few startup companies joining the group of 28 exhibitors, including Google, Panasonic, and Microsoft! As a result of being selected, we have already been able to meet with our local Congressperson's office, and we will be the only company representing our Congressional district in DC! Click the image below to learn more about the event, and check out the Overview video - our ZeroHour intro is at 1:20!

Because we're so close to launch, we are jetting in and out of DC quickly - red-eye Tuesday night, event Wednesday April 30th, fly home Thursday! Follow our updates from DC on Facebook and Twitter, and of course we'll provide a full update when we return.

We've just finished editing the video of our recent visit to our manufacturer. Privacy requests from our manufacturer prevent us from showing some of the inner workings of the factory, but hopefully it gives you a taste of our experience halfway around the world.
See it on YouTube:
We look forward to sharing more with you about our DC visit, and we especially look forward to the day ZeroHour arrives!